

Top Candidate Experiences: 4 Transformational Touchpoints

  In our mobile-first, on-demand digital economy, our consumer experience expectations have never been higher. We're now able to access products and services where and when we like, with a seamless experience from start to finish. And our expectations of our experiences in the workplace are no different. Organisations are increasingly realising that to create a seamless employee experience from start to finish means beginning with a top candidate experience. The good news? There's never been a better time to start transforming the candidate experience at your organisation. Automation and personalisation aren't binary. Your #candidateexperience can and should have both! Tweet this [...]

December 4th, 2019|saba|0 Comments

6 Telecommuting Stats You Need to Know

6 Telecommuting Stats Thanks to innovations in communications technology, the lines between workplaces and living spaces are virtually nonexistent. Anyone can use cloud-based platforms and a laptop to instant message or video chat with coworkers, field customer service calls, and digitally sign documents—all without getting out of bed. 6 Telecommuting Stats Remote working is a trend that is steadily gaining steam, as we demonstrated in our first three of the six telecommuting stats you need to know. So, let’s go over the final three and see what we can learn. Stat Four: 99% The idea of working from home [...]

November 26th, 2019|Aver|0 Comments

Six AVer Business and Education Innovations Win 2020 Taiwan Excellence Awards

Taipei, Taiwan – November 7th, 2019 – The 28th Taiwan Excellence Awards results have been announced, and AVer is a huge winner with six products chosen. Both video conferencing and education technology solutions from AVer claimed awards, highlighted by the M15W AVerVision Mechanical Arm Wireless Visualizer’s nomination for the Taiwan Excellence Gold Standard award. Taiwan Excellence judges narrowed more than 1,000 entries down to 418 winners, of which only 30 were nominated for the Gold Award. The M15W visualizer is one of those 30, thanks to its compact and lightweight design, bold 23X total zoom, and 4K camera technology. Also, accompanying AVerTouch [...]

November 19th, 2019|Aver|0 Comments

How Governments Can Save Money with Identity Management

Tens of millions of dollars could be saved if governments adopted better identity and access management (IAM) solutions. Petteri Ihalainen, member of the IAM team at GlobalSign, looks at an example from Finland whereby citizens can renew passports online. A new passport request can now be made in minutes, which means less administration and time savings for the associated government. Also, citizens are now happier with the level of service and ability to apply from the comfort of their own homes. When you use best practice for authentication and digitalization of traditional services, you can accomplish some highly effective [...]

November 18th, 2019|Digital Signature|0 Comments

The Difference Between Electronic Signatures and Digital Signatures

The terms Electronic Signatures and Digital Signatures are frequently misused and often thrown around loosely. Here at GlobalSign, we commonly speak with organizations confused by the two options and need help determining what type of signature they should adopt into their workflow. Let’s jump in and break down the differences. Electronic Signatures According to the U.S. Federal ESIGN Act, Electronic Signatures are defined as: “Electronic sound, symbol, or process, attached to or logically associated with a contract or other record and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to sign the record." Basically, an Electronic Signature is the equivalent [...]

November 13th, 2019|Digital Signature|0 Comments

3 Reasons Why Employees Fear Performance Reviews

1. Fear of the unknown For most employees, their fear of the performance review stems from being unsure of its purpose. Oh, and does your process include a self-appraisal? Then it's quite likely your employees will have questions about how the self-appraisal is used, and how it fits into the whole process (and what is the whole process?). They wonder about: Self-evaluation expectations: "Is my manager expecting me to rate myself high or low?" Evaluation criteria: "Am I being evaluated solely on my job description responsibilities or are there other things I need to consider?" Evaluation accuracy: "How does this aspect [...]

November 4th, 2019|saba|0 Comments

Is your electronic signature safe?

Are electronic signatures safe? The number of electronic signing options to choose from has multiplied in the past few years. More and more businesses are using electronic signatures. The use of different solutions may cause you to question if your data, your documents, and your signatures are safe. It’s essential to make the right selection when choosing a provider, so read on to discover what makes DocuSign eSignature safe, compliant and legally binding. Electronic Signature Security It’s important to use an electronic signature solution that protects you and creates documents that you can trust. Our electronic signature solution permit a range of methods [...]

November 3rd, 2019|Digital Signature|0 Comments

How to improve small business lead generation

For small businesses, time is a precious – but limited – commodity. Technology is automating manual tasks, freeing your salespeople up for what really matters: growing your business. In recent years, generating leads has grown more challenging. While fewer but better-quality leads can ultimately be more productive than quantity alone, finding such leads takes time and resources. Modern challenges with small business lead generation don’t stop there. Cost-effectiveness is another key focus: how do you ensure the time and money spent on generating leads is actually boosting the bottom line? And then there’s the need to build your business out as [...]

October 31st, 2019|Digital Signature|0 Comments

How to Identify, Manage and Retain High-Potential Employees

People often confuse high-performing employees and high-potential employees when in fact the two are quite different. Organizations need to make this distinction if they want to build strong leadership teams from within. And the first step is to ensure your people understand what "potential" really means. What is a high-potential employee? High-potential employees are the rising stars in your organization. According to CEB research, high-potential employees have three key characteristics in common: aspiration, ability and engagement. High-potential employees are likely to be successful in more senior, critical positions in your organization in the future. Developing high-potential employees is a [...]

October 24th, 2019|saba|0 Comments

The Future of Learning: Lessons from CLO Symposium 2019

The future of learning is bright, dynamic and personalized! From powerful and insightful keynotes, workshops and panels to recognizing Saba customers and other award-winning industry leaders for creating results-driven learning programs, we learned so much at the Chief Learning Officer Symposium in Chicago this past week. The Saba crew has been soaking up so many offsite learning opportunities lately, such as our recent trip to the semi-annual HR Technology Conference. And at the CLO Symposium, we had the privilege of not only absorbing new knowledge, but also sharing what we've learned about how to design, build and inspire the future of learning [...]

October 20th, 2019|saba|0 Comments