Our drawing management solution is the most advanced means to store, maintain, and distribute your facilities’ drawings and documents.
A typical large facility owns thousands of drawings. And this quantity keeps growing year after year with each remodeling project. Because most buildings were built before the use of CAD technologies for building design, drawings may still be on paper. These paper drawings are also stored at different locations – within file cabinets, inside drawers, electronic files stored on individuals’ PCs, and even in bundles strewn on the floor. Without a centralized location, engineers and technicians will find it difficult to access these drawings, which adds to your bottom line. Indeed, studies show that a typical technician spends over four hours a week looking for appropriate documentation. Your answer to this problem is our drawing management system.
Store all your drawings and facilities documentation on iDrawings system, and let all stakeholders access them from their desktops, laptops, tablets, and smart phones. There is no need to return to the office to look for a drawing.
iDrawings stores your drawings in a library with an associated database containing data about each drawing – site, building, floor, discipline, revision number and so on. Type in your search criteria and the system brings the best match.
Create unique workspaces for a specific set of drawings for a particular purpose. Your technicians need not do extensive search. The drawings have already been sorted and the workspaces already made. For example, an electrician will see a workspace of all primary circuit diagrams. A plumber will see a workspace of all cold-water lines.
Grant limited access to contractors and consultants. No more plotting and overnight delivery. No more email clutter. Give them access for a limited time. Just for the drawings that you want them to access.